Project Type: Prototype Exhibit
Material: Cardboard, Sharpie marker, wooden dowels, paper, hot glue
Role: Concept Developer, Designer, Fabricator
Process: Several smaller, low resolution automata prototypes created, cut with box cutter, assembled with dowels and hot glue
Project Type: Prototype Exhibit
Software: LightWave
Material: Cardboard, plexiglass, laptop
Role: Concept & Exhibit Developer, Modeler, Animator, Texture Artist, Lighting Artist
Process: Developed animation, explored lighting and angles to create optimal, realistic reflection from laptop to plexiglass
Additional Information: Experimenting with the Pepper's Ghost illusion, this prototype later developed into an exhibit exploring human perception using a shroud of black cloth, a pedestal, and a small contraption allowing the observer to view the crystal while obscuring the plexiglass and the laptop nested below.
Project Type: Prototype Exhibit
Software: Eko Studio
Material: Cardboard, plexiglass, Makey Makey, laptop, leaves, conductive paint, spray paint, brass tacks, potted plant, LEDs
Role: Concept Developer, Designer, Video Editor, Fabricator, Workshop Facilitator
Process: Created interactive video, provided proper lighting conditions and plexiglass/laptop screen angles, aligned reflection with physical potted plant, linked conductive paint, brass tack, and leaf interface to Makey Makey device to laptop as video trigger, adorned with laser cut and spray painted plexiglass focal point